Sony SLT A35 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon Rebel T3i – Compare Specs

Here is the comparison of the latest DSLR cameras in the market. Sony SLT A35, Nikon D5100 and Canon Rebel T3i are the entry level DSLR cameras in the market.

We have compared specs of these DSLR cameras for the beginners. Sony SLT A35 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon Rebel T3i is basically comparison of fundamental features of these cameras.

If you are already aware of these cameras then must be knowing how close these cameras are to each other. There are so many aspects which make all these DSLR camera pretty close to each other. And we hope that this post would help you to decide the one for you.

Sony SLT A35 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon Rebel T3i – Compare Specs

Specifications Sony SLT A35
Nikon D5100
Canon Rebel T3i
Lens Sensor 16 MP 16.1 MP 17.9 MP
Screen Size 3 inch LCD screen 3 inch LCD screen 3 inch LCD screen
Crop Factor
1.6x 1.6x 1.6x
Native Resolution
4912 x 3264 4928 x 3264 5184 x 3456
Dimensions 124 x 92 x 85 mm 127 x 96 x 78 mm 133 x 99 x 79 mm
Weight 415 grams 560 grams 570 grams
Battery 420 shots 660 shots 440 shots
Video 1080p @ 30 frames per second 1080p @ 30 frames per second 1080p @ 30 frames per second
ISO ISO 100 – 12800 ISO 200 – 12800 ISO 100 – 6400 ( up to ISO12800 )
Lens Availability
92 169 162
Best Price $720 $800 $850

Although Sony SLT A35, Nikon D5100 and Canon Rebel T3i are the entry level DSLR cameras in the market, but some of its advanced features are quite impressive.

All these cameras feature interchangeable lens. And Sony SLT A35 supports 3D, panorama, and features Sensor Shift technology as image stabilization technology.

Now this comparison is good enough to make things clear in your mind. Once you are done with this post on, Sony SLT A35 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon Rebel T3i, you can visit any stores and check out these DSLR cameras.

Filed under: Digital Cameras
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October 5, 2011 by: Prasanth Chandra


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