Pentax X 5 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon EOS 650D – Compare Specs

Here we are comparing three DSLR cameras. Out of these three, two of the cameras are highly respected ones and have earned great feedback. These are Canon EOS 650D and Nikon D5100. And we would be comparing these two cameras with Pentax X 5, the newest entrant in the market.

And hence, the post is labelled as Pentax X 5 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon EOS 650D. We would be comparing the specifications of the these three DSLR cameras. Lets check out the comparison table to get a crisp idea in terms of differences between these three DSLR cameras.

Pentax X 5 vs Nikon D5100 vs Canon EOS 650D – Compare Specs

Specifications Pentax X 5
Nikon D5100
Canon EOS 650D
Lens Sensor 16 MP 16.1 MP 17.9 MP
Screen Size 3 inch LCD screen 3 inch LCD screen 3 inch LCD screen
Yes Yes Yes
Native Resolution
4928 x 3264 and Optical Zoom of 26x 4928 x 3264 5184 x 3456
Dimensions 119 x 86 x 107 mm 127 x 96 x 78 mm 129 x 98 x 62 mm
Weight 650 grams 560 grams 575 grams
Battery 410 shots 660 shots 440 shots
Video 1080p @ 30 frames per second 1080p @ 30 frames per second 1080p @ 30 frames per second
ISO ISO 100 – 6400 ISO 200 – 12800 ISO 100 – 12800
Minimum and maximum shutter speed
4 sec – 1/1500 sec 30 sec – 1/4000 sec 30 sec – 1/4000 sec
Best Price $290 (Base Price) $800 $1,238 / £800 /  €950 (these prices include camera with lens kit)

Filed under: Digital Cameras
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August 29, 2012 by: Prasanth Chandra

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