Nikon D4 vs Canon EOS 1DX vs Nikon D800 – Compare Specs

Whenever you buy an electronic device, first thing you do is that you compare it with other similar products in the market. In this post, I would be comparing Nikon D4, Canon EOS 1DX and Nikon D800.

These SLR cameras would impress you to a great extent if you are looking for one. This comparison post on three powerful DSLR cameras in the market would prove to be of great help. I have labelled this post as Nikon D4 vs Canon EOS 1DX vs Nikon D800, making it a post on comparison of technical specifications of above mentioned DSLR Cameras.

Nikon D4 vs Canon EOS 1DX vs Nikon D800 – Compare Specs

Specifications Nikon D4
Canon EOS 1DX
Nikon D800
Camera Type DSLR Camera DSLR Camera DSLR Camera
Lens Sensor 16.2 MP 18.1 MP 32.6 MP
Screen Size 3.2 inch LCD screen 3.2 inch LCD screen 3.5 inch LCD screen
4884 x 3256 pixels 5184 x 3456 pixels 7360 x 4912 pixels
Continuous Shoot
10 FPS, 11 FPS with AE/AF Locked 14 fps 4 FPS, 6 FPS in DX mode
Dimensions 160 x 156.5 x 90.5  mm 158 x 163.6 x 82.7 mm 147 x 123 x 77 mm
Weight 1180 grams TBA 995 grams
Battery 2600 shots TBA 1050 shots
Video HD 1,920×1,080 / 30 fps
HD 1,920×1,080 / 24 fps
HD 1,280×720 / 30 fps
HD 1,280×720 / 60 fps
1920 x 1080: 30 fps / 25 fps / 24 fps
1280 x 720: 60 fp / 50 fps
640 x 480: 30 fps / 25 fps
1280 x 720 at 24 fps and  640 x 480 at 30 fps
Light Sensitivity
12,800 ISO204,800 ISO (boost) 51,200 ISO204,800 ISO (boost) 6,400 ISO25,600 ISO (boost)
Shutter Speed
Max – 1/8000sMin – 30 s Max – 1/8000sMin – 30 s Max – 1/8000sMin – 30 s
Best Price $5,999.95  $6,800.00 $3,999
Filed under: Digital Cameras
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February 1, 2012 by: Prasanth Chandra


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