How To Identify A Song/ Title/ Artist using Midomi

There have been times, when we heard a song in advertising, we could not identify. Or listened to a new single on the radio, and we want to go home to download it on iTunes but such was his name? What is the artist? I only remember the chorus! Then you try to find identify that song.

These times change with the Midomi today. The Midomi is a very interesting free web service/application. It allows you to find songs just by humming the tune or singing the few lines in rhythm. Midomi one of the best answers to to question, โ€œHow or where can I identity a song or its title or even its artist?โ€


Mind you, it can find, identify and provide all the music dies, just because we sing! To enjoy this service, simply purchase a microphone and connect to the PC. Any PC will do, even the low quality. If your personal computer is a laptop, until now the must have incorporated.

We begin by doing a bit of karaoke homemade and improvised. The Midomi, search in your database for other recordings by other users and the original songs. In the end, is strangely at around 95% correct!

Of course, if they sing a song from a singer in your neighborhood does not find it, and probably give a completely wrong result, but always seems to be updated with new hits!

Happy Searching While Singing! ๐Ÿ™‚

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October 24, 2009 by: Prasanth Chandra

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