How To Use Your Mobile Phone / Smartphone As Web Cam

These days, almost every mobile phone or smartphone comes with a camera. And what exactly do you do with mobile camera? Clicking snaps and capturing videos. That is it, right? How about using your mobile phone / smartphone as web cam? Yes, you read that right, this is very much possible.


There is small application called WWIGO (Webcam Wherever I GO), which lets you use the camera of your mobile phone / smartphone as web camera. Here is the step by step guide:

STEP 1: To start with, you need to download the WWIGO files.

Download Link 1 | Link 2

STEP 2: Once you are done with downloading this app, simply install it on your computer.

STEP 3: Now, navigate to your Program Files where you will find the WWIGO mobile application. Simply transfer it to your smartphone / mobile phone and install it.

STEP 4: Now, start the applications on both the ends, that is on your PC and on your computer.

STEP 5: Now choose a GPRS access point on your mobile phone, by selecting OPTIONS > CONNECT.

STEP 6: While making this configuration, choose PC as your bluetooth device and wait while PC and WWIGO app on your mobile makes the connection.

STEP 7: Once the connection is setup, you can start using your mobile phone / smartphone as web cam.

Filed under: Tips & Tutorials
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January 7, 2011 by: Prasanth Chandra


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